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Mobius - How to: Product scenarios
Mobius - How to: Product scenarios

Learn how to create a product scenario in Ecochain Mobius.

Emily Lalonde avatar
Written by Emily Lalonde
Updated over a month ago

The Scenario feature in Ecochain Mobius allows you to evaluate sustainable design decisions through your Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results, by enabling improvement and ecodesign possibilities. This article focuses on explaining how to use the Scenario feature effectively. This article covers the following questions:

  1. What is the Scenario feature?

  2. How does the Scenario feature work?

  3. What are the steps to creating a product scenario?

  4. Next steps.

Don't feel like reading an article? Watch a video tutorial on this subject instead!

What is the Scenario feature?

Once you've completed your initial product LCA or Product Footprint in Mobius, you likely want to test out how you can improve the environmental impact of your product. The Scenario feature, easily accessible under the Tools menu, allows you to test different product scenarios and make evidence-based sustainability decisions.

How does the Scenario feature work?

By generating a copy of your product, the Scenario feature enables ecodesign. Any changes to subitems result in an automatic copy, with the adjusted objects conveniently stored in your Object library.

Pro tip: Make sure to make any changes to your copied product only in the Scenario environment, where the two products (original and copy) are side-by-side. More on this can be found under step 4 below!

What are the steps to creating a product scenario?

Let's learn how to create product scenarios:

  1. Access the Scenario feature: Find the Tools menu in the top right of your Product inventory, and select Create scenario (Figure 1).

    Figure 1: How to access the Scenario feature in Mobius.

  2. Create a new scenario: Click the + Create from the dropdown list to make a new scenario (Figure 2). You will now have two products on your dashboard - the original product on the left and the copied product (the scenario) on the right (Figure 3). This copied product is now also in your Product Library. You can change the name of this copied product.

    How to create a scenario in Mobius

    Figure 2: How to create a scenario in Mobius.

    Example of a copied product (left) and the original product (right) in Mobius

    Figure 3: The copied product (right) and original product (left) in Mobius.

  3. Edit the new scenario: Make adjustments to the objects within your copied product to explore various design possibilities (Figure 4). Every time you change an object, Mobius will also copy this object and duplicate it. This enables you to safely change your new objects without changing your original product.

    Figure 4: An edited scenario (left) that has swapped Electricity (deleted) for Renewable Electricity (added). The original version remains the same. Note how the environmental impact (bottom bar) changes.

  4. Compare scenarios: Compare the scenario to the original product. You can see which product has a lower environmental footprint at the bottom of the dashboard.

Caution: Changes should always be made in the Scenario view (i.e., when two products are side by side) if you don’t want the implemented changes to influence the original product, but only the copied product. If you start making changes to the copied product in the regular Inventory Builder view, this might lead to unintended changes to the original product.

Video Tutorial

Watch Emma explain these concepts in our tutorial:

Next steps

Creating product scenarios in Mobius provides a straightforward approach to evaluating sustainable design decisions. The Scenario feature allows you to assess the environmental impact of potential changes before reaching the production phase.

Ready to explore Mobius's capabilities further? Our other help center articles provide comprehensive guidance on maximizing your ecodesign potential.

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