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Mobius - How to: Import data

Learn to work more efficiently using the import functionality in Ecochain Mobius.

Artjom Janssen avatar
Written by Artjom Janssen
Updated over 6 months ago

In Mobius, you can streamline your workflow by importing products using a CSV file. This article guides you through the import-export format and demonstrates how to efficiently import various data into Mobius by answering the following questions:

  • Why import data in bulk?

  • What data can you import?

  • How to import data to Mobius?

  • How to structure the import file?

  • What are import file structures for different use cases?

  • How to import files to a filled workspace?

  • How to troubleshoot common import issues?

Don't feel like reading an article? Watch a video tutorial on this topic instead!

Feel like you're missing information? This article builds upon the following articles, check them out if you want to learn more:

Why import data in bulk?

The import feature in Mobius enables you to enhance productivity by leveraging Excel, and offers a method to import (large amounts) of data from, for instance, your ERP system. Whether you have many products to model, want to create a large object library, or want to expedite calculations, the import feature is your ally.

What data can you import?

Currently, it is possible to import data to your Products and Object Library environments of your Mobius Workspace. Here, we elaborate on different data types and import structures suitable for Mobius. Any data that fits in the predefined import file structure is importable.

At the moment, importing full Life Cycles isn’t supported within Mobius- this feature will be available later in 2024. For the time being, you can import products & objects, which can then be added to any life cycle directly in Mobius.

How to import your data to Mobius?

To import data to Mobius, first obtain an import file (Example of an Import File (Objects for full life cycle).csv). There are two other ways to obtain the import file directly from Mobius:

Option 1: The 'Import' button

Click on the ‘import’ button (Figure 1). You can find it on the Product Overview page, the Object Library, and the Mobius Homepage. Upon clicking the button, a pop-up will appear where you can import your file, as well as example import files available (Figure 2).

Figure 1: the import button in Mobius

Figure 2: the import pop-up and sample import files

Option 2: 'Export structure (CSV)'

If you have modeled a product already or used a template, you can export the product’s structure to obtain its Excel format - this is also the import file. Click on the green Tools button in your product’s inventory, and click onexport structure (CSV)’ (Figure 3).

Figure 3: exporting a structure (CSV)

After obtaining an import file, follow these steps:

  1. Add data to the import file: Once you have your import file, add any data to the file that you’d like to import. In the following section, we dive deeper into the key elements of the file, which data is mandatory, or optional, to add to your file, as well as how to format the data such that it is importable.

  2. Save the file: After adding the data you want to import, ensure your file is saved in Excel as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (Figure 4 - Saving import files in Excel).

  3. Import to Mobius: Go to Mobius, and click the ‘import’ button (Figure 1). Select Upload .CSV file (Figure 2). A pop-up window will appear where you can select your desired .csv import file. Import the file - Mobius will load the file, and place the products & objects contained by the file in the correct place of your workspace.

Pro tip: Export your existing objects, or a product from a workspace to check naming and use the file as a starting point for an import.

How to structure the import file?

Below we show how import files look in Excel (Figure 5) - the columns displayed are mandatory and must be included as shown to successfully import data to Mobius. Later in this article, we discuss additional columns that can be added to your import. First, we’ll go through each column to understand what they represent

  • Levels - determines the structure

  • Name of your products and objects

  • Description of your products and objects (optional)

  • Amount of each input (object) used to create a product, expressed in the Unit defined in following bullet point

  • Unit of measurement of the respective product/object Amounts

  • Label (Product or Object) so that Mobius places them in the correct place of your workspace

figure 2: minimum structure required for import

Figure 5: Example of a basic import file

What are the main columns of the import file?

Column A - Level (mandatory)

This first column is crucial for creating and structuring your import file. The levels determine your inventory's structure, and how your product or object is shown in Mobius. Specify the level using integer numbers only.

  • Level 1: Defines the ‘highest’ level, typically your final, end product. Figure 5 presents an example import structure for a ‘T-Shirt Polyamide Lycra White’. Figure 6 below shows how the import file in Figure 5 looks like when imported in Mobius.

  • Level 2: The T-shirt consists of 3 core components (its subitems & inputs) - Fabric (Polyamide Lycra Fabric White), Electricity to transform the fabric into a t-shirt, and a small amount of Waste Fabric. You can identify these core components as Level 2 objects in the structure. The blue rows in Figure 6 below show these Level 2 objects.

  • Lower levels: The remaining levels 3, 4, and 5 add extra layers of detail and specifications to the level 2 Polyamide Lycra Fabric White. The gray rows in Figure 6 visualize Level 3 objects. Level 4 and 5 objects are contained within the object Polyamide Lycra Fabric - which can be quickly identified by the dropdown arrow next to the object.

Note - Level 1 imports: It is possible to import a file containing only Level 1 items. This is a quick approach to import many ‘singular’ products, or objects, that do not contain any sub-items below them.

Figure 6: Visualization of the Levels in Mobius' Product Inventory environment

Pro tip - Filters: When getting started or building a complex import structure in Excel, it helps to use filters in your Excel file. Excel filters can help visualize the structure you are building by filtering out certain (lower) levels and focusing on what’s most important.

Caution - Sorting: When building a structure in Excel, do not use any Excel sorting techniques (e.g. sort rows in alphabetical order), as this will mess up your import’s structure.

Column B - Name (mandatory)

The Name column defines the names given to your products or objects. The column is mandatory because each item modeled in Mobius must have a unique name. Names can be defined using any alphanumeric symbols. These can be direct names (e.g. materials), but can also be strings of digits (e.g., codes extracted from an ERP system). Names of products and objects can always be changed at a later moment through the interface directly in Mobius.

Note - Spelling errors: Mobius can handle recurring items in your import file that are spelled inconsistently. If the inconsistent spelling is related to letter casing, Mobius uses the way the item is defined in the first instance. For example, if your import file has multiple rows with ‘Electricity’, but the first time it is spelled ‘electricity’ and later it is spelled ‘ELEctricity’, Mobius creates one item called ‘electricity’. If your import file contains multiple ‘Electricity’ items, but some contain a typo (e.g. Elektricity), Mobius defines a new item for each time there’s an item with a typo.

Caution - Unique naming: Objects or products must be defined using unique names. For instance, you can’t have two objects in your import file named ‘Electricity’ that have different descriptions, units, or datasets attached to them. If such inconsistencies occur in your import file, Mobius creates the object as defined the last time it occurred in your import file.

Column C - Description (optional)

You can add textual descriptions to each row, further defining the items in your import file. Potential ways to fill the description field include:

  • Specifying additional information about the object that doesn’t fit in the object’s name

  • Adding any notes or assumptions made in the process of modeling and selecting an appropriate dataset for the respective item

  • Noting down a source or URL that you used to model the item

Column D - Amount (mandatory)

Specify the composition and numeric amounts used of your inputs for the product you want to import. Products on Level 1 should ideally be defined per single, unitary amount (1). If your Level 1 product’s amount deviates from ‘1’, Mobius automatically re-scales the import and all the inputs, so the final product on Level 1 is redefined per single (1) amount.

Note - Negative amounts: Amounts can’t be negative - any rows containing a negative amount are ignored in the import process. Similarly, any amount listed as zero (0), will result in Mobius ignoring the row in the import process. If you want to add ‘positive’ impact to your LCA model (e.g. for carbon removals, biogenic carbon content in a material, or Module D-related aspects), you can do so by adapting the Property field of your respective item.

Pro tip - Decimal separator: Depending on your computer’s regional settings & preferences, you are likely using a dot (.), or a comma (,) as a decimal separator. This influences how Mobius interprets your amounts and is important to keep in mind when importing files for the first time. Since the import file is in .csv format (Comma Separated Values), we recommend using a dot (.) as your decimal separator for Mobius imports.

Column E - Unit (optional)

Most inputs in your product’s inventory are measured in a certain unit (e.g., kilograms (kg), kilowatt-hours (kWh), square meters (m2)). Use alphanumeric symbols to denote the unit in which the amount in column D is expressed. For your end product, this could also be a ‘neutral’ unit (e.g., piece (pc), pallet, or item). If you keep the fields in this column blank, Mobius will prefill it with a generic ‘Unit’ name.

Column F - Label (Product or Object) (optional)

This tells Mobius where the items should be created - on the Products page or the Object Library. We recommend storing your end products on the Products page and storing all necessary inputs to manufacture the products in the Object Library. If you leave this field blank, Mobius places all items in your import file in the Object Library. You can always move a product or an object to another place manually in Mobius, or at a later stage re-import the file with updated fields to overwrite the initial import.

Pro tip - Testing import files: after creating an import file in Excel, you might be uncertain whether the import will work or how it’ll look in Mobius. Before importing it in your main workspace, which might contain other items already, consider opening an empty (temporary) workspace to test the import. If the import matches your expectations, you can delete the test workspace and import the file to your main working environment.

The remaining columns (Columns G - AQ)

While you only need the first 6 columns (A - F) in the file to import a product structure, there are additional columns that can come in handy to add more information and detail to your import. Below, we explore the remaining 37 columns (G - AQ) of the full, complete import file (Figure 7). It may seem like there are a lot of columns, but luckily they can be grouped into 3 main clusters:

  1. Columns G & H: Dataset IDs & Names

  2. Column I: Type

  3. Column J - AQ: Properties

  1. Dataset IDs & Dataset names: If you’re starting from scratch, it is best to leave these columns blank. The dataset selection process happens within Mobius through the Database Search environment. Once you’ve connected your objects in an inventory with appropriate datasets, you can export the inventory’s structure - this file will contain the dataset names & IDs!

  2. Type: With types, you can indicate whether something is a valuable output or a waste output, helping with allocating impact. However, this field doesn’t influence your LCA results. Currently, this field has two options, Normal (inputs) or Waste (outputs), but there is no visible difference between the two types.

    We are preparing to implement Processes and Flow diagrams in Mobius as part of our development roadmap. So this column may gain more significance in the future.

    Read more about it, from Ecoinvent’s perspective, in their article about system models.

  3. Properties: The remaining columns are useful in combination with Dataset names & IDs. Specifically for telling Mobius the relationship between the units in your inventory and the units of the selected datasets. You can find the default unit of a property in each column, between brackets. Properties are also an additional way to add additional information on certain characteristics of your product, or object.

Figure 7: The remaining columns in the import file

Common Property Fields

Currently, there are 34 unique property types available to be filled in or imported in Mobius. There are, however, some properties that are more commonly used than others. Below is a list of the most commonly used properties when modeling in Mobius or importing data:

  • Column O: Energy per unit (MJ) - This property is most commonly used for energy-related datasets, like energy carriers (e.g. coal, natural gas, biofuels) or electricity consumption. If the dataset is expressed in MJ add a ‘1’ in the respective cell. If the dataset is expressed in kWh, add ‘3.6’ in the respective cell - 3.6MJ is the equivalent of 1kWh. Express the relation in terms of the default unit used by the property.

  • Column T: Transport of good per unit (t*km) - This property is required for modeling any logistical operations - transport movements made by a lorry, ship, train, or plane. Most, if not all, transport-related datasets are measured using ton-kilometers (t*km) in the ecoinvent database.

  • Column AC: Mass per unit (kg) - This property is used by most materials datasets and in certain process datasets in ecoinvent.

  • Column AI: Number of items - This property models wooden (EUR-flat) pallets measured per piece. Similarly, this property may be used to add any form of capital goods to your LCA.

Note - Omitting columns: The import file is relatively flexible in the order in which the optional columns are presented. For instance, you can choose to omit certain (unused) columns.

Caution - Properties and linked datasets: If you are importing new data into Mobius with linked datasets, it is necessary to add the appropriate property. Without the property, your object will display zero impact as Mobius doesn’t know what conversion to make between your data and the respective dataset. Make sure to fill the value in terms of the default unit of the respective property. If you opt for adding datasets to your inventory manually, Mobius will assign the relevant property to your object for you.

What are import file structures for different use cases?

There are various structure types to consider when importing to Mobius. Importing a single product, and its respective structure is an intuitive place to start. You can, however, do more than just import one product at a time! Below we explore importing the following cases:

  • Multiple products

  • Materials & other inputs

  • Internal codes, e.g. from your ERP system

Recurring objects in your import file

Regardless of your use case, if you are seeking to import a large amount of data to Mobius, it is likely that certain items (objects) will recur in your file. If this applies to you, please note the following:

  • Mobius will take the Name of the recurring object as defined the first time it appears in the import file - in case the object is spelled with different upper & lower cases throughout the import file

  • The remaining attributes of the object (e.g. Unit, Description, Properties) are considered by Mobius as they are defined in the last instance of the object occurring in your import.

Multiple products with inventories

To import multiple products in one go, you must do two things to your file (Figure 8).

  • First, denote end products by labeling them level ‘1’ in column A.

  • Second, label it as a ‘product’, or ‘object’, in column F to import it to the right place in your workspace.

  • Optionally, you can leave a space between rows in your import to easily identify where one product’s structure ends and another starts.

Figure 8: Structure for importing multiple products at a time in Excel

Materials & other inputs (lists)

We highly recommend modeling inputs first before diving into modeling an end product. This saves you time in the future.

  • Cradle-to-gate LCAs typically have inputs in five categories - materials, transport, energy, waste & packaging. Make lists of the unique inputs that fall under each of these categories.

  • It is then possible to import these lists to your Object library. Figure 9 uses ‘Materials’ as an example, however, the same applies to the other ‘lists’ you might want to create & import. A list may be a simple ‘flat’ list with one row for each material. This structure means one Level 1 item (defining the list itself), followed by rows all on Level 2 in column A.

    Alternatively, you can add further details to your materials by adding subitems (lower levels beneath the material). In Figure 9, the HDPE component in row 15 consists of the material itself (HDPE), combined with an injection molding process to make the HDPE component. Read more about modeling materials with multiple datasets.

The benefit of working this way with Mobius is having one list in your Object library that provides a nice overview and quick insights into your materials. Additionally, it makes managing objects easier, as you will only have one place where you need to change or update object data.

Pro tip - Starring unique lists: Once you’ve imported your unique lists to Mobius, favorite them in your Object library by starring the object. This allows it to appear at the top of your page.

Note - Naming: An object with a specific name can only occur once within a subsection, or ‘cluster’, of your import file. If an object occurs multiple times within a section, it will be ignored during import.

Caution - Lists of unique materials: When making lists of unique materials, properly consider how you name your objects in Mobius. Does your company, for instance, purchase multiple types of steel? Do you want to assume they all have the same environmental impact or do you want to distinguish them? In the former case, it is sufficient to define an object called ‘steel’ for all steel types that your company purchases. In the latter case, creating one object for ‘steel’ won’t suffice, because objects are unique in Mobius, and, therefore, you won’t be able to represent all your steel variations with one object. In this case, you must define separate objects with different names to highlight the differences between the steel variations (e.g.,“Steel unalloyed”, “steel low-alloyed” & “stainless steel”).

Figure 9: Structure for importing materials and other inputs in Excel

Internal codes (ERP systems)

Some companies prefer to define objects in Mobius in line with the codes they use internally. The benefit of this is that everybody looking at the model internally will know exactly what you’re talking about, as internal codes are the same for everyone. You avoid the risk of different Mobius users modeling things differently.

In essence, importing such lists is similar to importing lists as described in the previous use case above. The only difference is that you must add an additional level in your structure in column A. Notice in Figure 10, how Level 1 defines the list, Level 2 always defines a certain code, while Level 3 specifies the inputs representing a certain code on Level 2. For instance, the code in row 11 is a component made of unalloyed steel, and also already includes the transportation element from the Supplier (in Vienna) to the Manufacturer (in Amsterdam).

Figure 10: Structuring for importing internal codes in Excel

How to import files in a filled workspace?

Below we explore two cases - (i) importing data to update and overwrite current objects in your workspace, and (ii) using predefined objects in the import without overwriting.

How to update or overwrite data?

There is no risk of overwriting your workspace when you import into a fresh, empty workspace. However, when importing files to a workspace containing objects, there is a risk of overwriting objects. This occurs when importing objects with the same name as other objects in your workspace. For importing objects that are already defined in your workspace, any data of a specific object that doesn’t match will be overwritten as it is considered that you are ‘updating’ the object.

How to use existing items without overwriting data?

If you’d like to reuse objects in your import file that already exist in your workspace without updating certain fields (e.g. description, properties, or dataset), simply leave the columns you want to keep as is, blank. Mobius doesn’t overwrite fields that are left empty in your import file and preserves the data as it is stored in Mobius. In such cases, you must fill in the mandatory fields - columns A, B & D - the level, object’s name, and amount respectively. All remaining columns can be left blank, and Mobius will pick up the prefilled information from your Object library.

Pro tip - Importing products in a filled workspace: Importing products in a filled workspace that contains all inputs predefined, means that you can calculate the environmental impact in just seconds. All you need to specify in the import are the required inputs (inventory items) along with a Level, and their respective amounts. Emma also explains this concept in the following video tutorial:

How to troubleshoot common import issues?

The above explainers tackle most aspects of importing various data to Mobius. There might still be some rare, unique cases that can experience limitations.

If your import file is relatively large (>1000 rows), keep in mind that it may take some minutes for Mobius to process the data contained in the file.

If Mobius is struggling to read your import file you will get an error message, as displayed below (Figure 11). For common cases, Mobius will specify what is wrong with the file - e.g. mandatory fields not filled (correctly) or floating cell values.

Figure 11: Mobius error message while importing

If your file isn’t being read, there are limited cases where Mobius doesn’t specify what is wrong with your file. In such cases it is difficult to proceed, as you can’t determine what needs to be changed in your file. Below some quick tips on how to move forward:

  • Make a copy of your import, to make edits in the duplicate file.

  • Check if all required columns are listed in the file. See figure 5.

  • Mobius imports files row by row, from top to bottom. If Mobius has read your file partially, it is likely that there is a specific row that is causing the error. Remove (most of) your data from your duplicated import file, and try importing the file with fewer lines. If that works, keep adding more of the data you’d like to import to your import file - until you identify the row that causes the error.

Struggling to determine what’s error with your import? Don’t hesitate to email The Ecochain Helpdesk, or book a free Support Call directly in Mobius!

Video tutorial

Watch Emma explain these concepts in our tutorial:

Next Steps

The import feature in Mobius empowers you to streamline your workflow and expedite product modeling. By structuring your products with the Bill-of-Materials and leveraging the import functionality, you can enhance productivity and drive sustainability efforts effectively.

Ready to explore more features within Mobius? Check out our other help center articles for comprehensive guidance on maximizing your ecodesign potential.

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