The NMD Bepalingsmethode (Assessment Method), previously known as "SBK Bepalingsmethode" is the Dutch standard way of calculating environmental impacts for construction works. Since 2020 it has been harmonized with the European EN15804+A2 standard. The latest 1.2 version can be found on the NMD website. It also contains all other requirements when doing an LCA study in the Dutch construction sector or for publishing an LCA in the Dutch National Environmental Database (NMD).
Update October 2024: The NMD Bepalingsmethode is currently updating and transitioning the method & approach with which the Milieukostenindicator (MKI), or Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI) are calculated. In the past, the MKI was calculated based on set 1 indicators, while the new MKI is calculated with set 2 indicators. While both approaches are currently accepted, from July 2025 only the new MKI based on set 2 indicators will be valid.
Sets and parameters in NMD Bepalingsmethode
The Bepalingsmethode is made up of different sets of indicators: Set 1, Set 2, and Parameter indicators. In the newer versions of the Bepalingsmethode, version 1.1 (2022), the Set 1 and Set 2 indicators are mandatory to report. Reporting on parameter indicators is optional but recommended.
Set 1 indicators are based on EN 15804+A1:2013 and have been in use since previous versions of the Bepalingsmethode. The characterization factors are based on the CML method, with the addition of three indicators for toxicity. The single-score value, Environmental Cost Indicator (ECI, or MKI in Dutch) is calculated based on the Set 1 indicators.
Set 2 indicators are according to EN15804+A2:2019. They are based on the EN15804+A2 compliant version of the Environmental Footprint method. These indicators are commonly used across Europe and these indicators are expected to become more prominent over time.
Parameters are included as part of the EN15804 methodology. These give additional information on the environmental impact of the product which are not strictly required for reporting but are generally included.
Understanding Indicators
During an LCA, the inputs and outputs of a process are grouped and quantified as environmental impacts of certain categories. These categories all refer to different ways in which the environment is impacted by the system in question. All indicators can be important when evaluating the impacts.
At the bottom of this article is an overview of all indicators that are in the Bepalingsmethode.
Environmental costs indicator / Milieukosten indicator
To simplify the large variety of indicators, the Bepalingsmethode uses a "single-score" weighted value (ECI, or in Dutch MKI) which combines all Set 1 indicators into one monetary value. This facilitates the comparison of different impacts, and the ECI is widely used in the Dutch construction sector for public tenders. In the image below you can see how it is derived.
Note: From July 2025 onwards, only the new ECI will be accepted. Read more about the new ECI here.
The ECI (MKI) represents the shadow costs or price of a product. It is calculated by multiplying the impact categories with a (normalized) weighting factor, for example, 0.05 euro per 1 kg of CO2, and then summing them all up. You can find all the weighting factors below. More information about the ECI can be found here.
Bepalingsmethode indicators
Set 1 indicators are the old indicators, used for calculating the (old) ECI. Below also the set 2 indicators can be found, which are required for new studies, calculating the new ECI, as well as the other general parameters.
Set 1 indicators:
Indicator name | Unit | Weighting for ECI | Description |
Abiotic depletion, non fuel (ADPE) | kg Sb eq | 0.16 | Depletion of resources in the current geological or natural stocks of non-fuel resources. |
Abiotic depletion, fuel (ADPF) | kg Sb eq | 0.16 | Depletion of resources in the current geological or natural stocks of fuel resources. |
Global warming (GWP) | kg CO2 eq | 0.05 | Contribution to global warming expressing in equivalents of atmospheric CO2. |
Ozone layer depletion (ODP) | kg CFC-11 eq | 30 | Depletion of stratospheric ozone. |
Photochemical oxidation (POCP) | kg C2H4 eq | 2 | Photochemical oxidation leading in the troposphere. |
Acidification (AP) | kg SO2 eq | 4 | Contribution to acidification of water and land. |
Eutrophication (EP) | kg PO4--- eq | 9 | Eutrophication, nutrient overload of water and land. |
Human toxicity (HT) | kg 1,4-DB eq | 0.09 | Toxicity to human health. |
Ecotoxicity, fresh water (FAETP) | kg 1,4-DB eq | 0.03 | Toxicity to freshwater ecosystems. |
Ecotoxicity, marine water (MAETP) | kg 1,4-DB eq | 0.0001 | Toxicity to marine ecosystems. |
Ecotoxicity, terrestric (TETP) | kg 1,4-DB eq | 0.06 | Toxicity to terrestrial ecosystems.
Set 2 indicators:
Indicator name | Unit | Weighting for new ECI | Description |
Climate change | kg CO2 eq |
| Contribution to climate change. |
Climate change - Fossil | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 | Fossil components of contribution to climate change. |
Climate change - Biogenic | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 | Biogenic components of contribution to climate change. |
Climate change - Land use and LU change | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 | Land use and land use change related contribution to climate change. |
Ozone depletion | kg CFC11 eq | 32.00 | Depletion of stratospheric ozone. |
Acidification | mol H+ eq | 0.39 | Acidification of water and land. |
Eutrophication, freshwater | kg P eq | 1.96 | Eutrophication of freshwater. |
Eutrophication, marine | kg N eq | 3.28 | Eutrophication of marine water. |
Eutrophication, terrestrial | mol N eq | 0.36 | Eutrophication of the land. |
Photochemical ozone formation | kg NMVOC eq | 1.22 | Photochemical ozone formation in the troposphere. |
Resource use, minerals and metals | kg Sb eq | 0.30 | Resource use of current geological or natural stocks of minerals and metals, reducing future access to the resources available now. |
Resource use, fossils | MJ | 0.00033 | Resource use of current geological or natural stocks of fossil energy sources, reducing future access to the resources available now. |
Water use | m3 depriv. | 0.00506 | Amount of water that is taken from other uses. This considers the water use and the regionally available water supply. |
Particulate matter | disease inc. | 549750.00 | Particulate matter induced disease increase. |
Ionising radiation | kBq U-235 eq | 0.049 | Ionising radiation as a health hazard compared to Uranium-235 |
Ecotoxicity, freshwater | CTUe | 0.00013 | Toxicity to freshwater ecosystems. |
Human toxicity, cancer | CTUh | 1096368.00 | Toxicity to human health, in terms of increased rates of cancer. |
Human toxicity, non-cancer | CTUh | 147588.00 | Toxicity to human health, in way other than cancer. |
Land use | Pt | 0.000178 | Land use changes and degradation of soil quality. |
Raw material use
Indicator name | Unit | Description |
Energy, primary, non-renewable (PENRT) | MJ | Total use of non-renewable primary energy, sum of non-renewable primary energy (PENRE) and non-renewable primary energy used as materials (PENRM). |
Energy, primary, non-renewable, excluding materials (PENRE) | MJ | Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non-renewable energy used as materials. |
Energy, primary, non-renewable, materials (PENRM) | MJ | Use of non-renewable primary energy used as materials. |
Energy, primary, renewable (PERT) | MJ | Total use of renewable primary energy, sum of renewable primary energy (PERE) and renewable primary energy used as materials (PERM). |
Energy, primary, renewable, excluding materials (PERE) | MJ | Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy used as materials. |
Energy, primary, renewable, materials (PERM) | MJ | Use of renewable primary energy used as materials. |
Secondary fuel, non-renewable (NRSF) | MJ | Use of non-renewable secondary fuels. |
Secondary fuel, renewable (RSF) | MJ | Use of renewable secondary fuels. |
Secondary material (SM) | kg | Use of secondary materials. |
Water, fresh water use (FW) | m3 | Net use of freshwater. |
Waste categories
Indicator name | Unit | Description |
Waste, hazardous (HWD) | kg | Amount of hazardous waste produced. |
Waste, non hazardous (NHWD) | kg | Amount of non-hazardous waste produced. |
Waste, radioactive (RWD) | kg | Amount of radioactive waste produced. |
Output flows
Indicator name | Unit | Description |
Exported energy, electric (EEE) | MJ | Amount of electric energy leaving the system boundary. |
Exported energy, thermal (EET) | MJ | Amount of thermal energy leaving the system boundary. |
Materials for energy recovery (MER) | kg | Amount of materials for energy recovery leaving the system boundary. |
Materials for recycling (MFR) | kg | Amount of materials for recycling leaving the system boundary. |