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Mobius Trial

Maximize your trial! Here are essential steps to optimise your experience in Ecochain Mobius.

Artjom Janssen avatar
Written by Artjom Janssen
Updated over 2 months ago

Below we answer the main questions users have when starting the free trial and share relevant content so you can get the most out of Mobius.

What can I do in the Mobius trial?

The 14-day free Mobius trial allows you to explore and experience how our LCA software works. You can create a first Product Footprint or LCA with no strings attached. No credit card details are required. You can use all of the features we have available in the paid version. During the trial, you can:

  • Make an LCA and thus calculate the environmental impact of your products.

  • Identify the hotspots across your product’s entire life cycle.

  • Benchmark your outcome with other products and materials using available databases.

  • Experiment with alternative materials and different production processes to inform more sustainable product design.

  • Discover what the footprint is of renewable materials.

How can I make the most of the Mobius trial?

We have some super useful resources that you can use to experience Mobius in the best way possible.

  1. We have a complete set of video tutorials that explain Mobius' features in short, concise, and easy-to-follow videos. These video tutorials are especially relevant when you start with Product Footprinting. They are all developed for beginners.

  2. Practice by doing an exercise - conduct a simple cradle-to-gate LCA by modeling an Apple Pie. Most of our users love this exercise because:

    1. You model a simple product in less than 45 minutes.

    2. It is a step-by-step guided exercise designed for beginners.

    3. It teaches you the basic features of Mobius.

  3. You can also explore the templates available directly on the Mobius Workspace Homepage. Choose from 10+ templates, covering various industries, and get started quickly with modeling your product's impact!

  4. Our online Academy offers a free LCA Beginners course! This teaches the basics of LCA. It is highly recommended to start with this even before doing the trial.

  5. We also offer the Mobius Onboarding Training which is one-on-one, online, and with one of our experienced Environmental Specialists. The training is offered to you after you've bought a Mobius subscription.

How does the trial differ from a paid Mobius subscription?

The good news is that there are almost no differences in Mobius between the trial and the paid version! You can use all Mobius features to make a footprint during your free trial. There are however, two elements to keep in mind:

  1. The Mobius trial is limited to 14 days. When your free trial ends, you can still log in to Mobius, but you won’t be able to view any of your products or life cycles. If you want to continue you can purchase a monthly or yearly subscription directly in-app for Mobius with a credit card or SEPA.

  2. Your ecoinvent dataset usage is limited to 25. There is an aggregated counter on the ‘Billing & Subscription’ page that tracks how many ecoinvent datasets you have used over time. The Ecoinvent dataset limit is cumulative - removing datasets will not affect the counter.

What can I do if I'm stuck during the trial?

There are different approaches to take if you're stuck in Mobius:

  • Feel like you're missing some LCA background? We have a complete LCA Beginner Course for you! Cover all the essential concepts you'll need to make an LCA in less than 4 hours.

  • If you're unsure about how model your LCA or can't find something, you can reach out to our Ecochain Helpdesk with your query. If we know the answer, we will share our knowledge with you!

  • For queries relating to the use of the software, you can book an onboarding meeting directly in Mobius.

What happens if you run out of ecoinvent datasets?

You can continue using Mobius with other LCI databases available in Mobius:

  • Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) v2.0 Database

  • The Nationale Milieudatabase (NMD) for Dutch users.

  • ELCD 3.2 (GreenDelta)

You can also book a meeting (chat) about your next steps if you need more datasets.

How many datasets have I used during my trial?

To view the number of Ecoinvent datasets that you have used, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your account settings environment (step 1 in the image below)

  2. Check the Billing & Subscription tab (step 2)

  3. View the counter that indicates how many datasets you have used in the bottom right of your screen (step 3 in the image). In the example, 25 out of 25 Ecoinvent datasets have been used, meaning the user has reached the Ecoinvent dataset limit.

If I continue after the trial, will my data still be available?

Yes, if you decide to continue with a paid subscription, your data and everything you have modeled in Mobius will still be there. We will not delete your progress. So you don’t have to worry about starting over again.

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