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Mobius FAQ

Find answers to our Mobius users' most frequently asked questions!

Artjom Janssen avatar
Written by Artjom Janssen
Updated over 6 months ago

The following overview is a comprehensive list of the most commonly asked questions by our Mobius prospects and customers. Click on a toggle to expand a question to view the answer. Don't see an answer to your question? Send an email to [email protected] and we will be with you shortly.

Pricing & Subscription

What is the price of a one-year Mobius subscription?

The pricing of a one-year subscription for Mobius starts from 95€ per month. Additional pricing information can be found on our website and directly in Mobius if you’re doing a free trial. To find the pricing in Mobius, go to your account settings (bottom left), and navigate to the ‘Billing & Subscriptions’ tab. Read more about pricing and the subscriptions here.

Currently, we offer three subscription types:

  • Mobius Starter: The Mobius subscription for single users looking to start with only product carbon footprinting (PCF).

  • Mobius Professional: A Mobius subscription for single users looking to perform life cycle assessments.

  • Mobius Business: A subscription option for anyone need unlimited objects, or work with multiple colleagues.

Subscription types are available on an annual billing period.

Subscriptions can be purchased directly in-app or through a quotation. If your company requires a quote or a PO, contact our sales department for further assistance.

How can I cancel my Mobius subscription?

Canceling your Mobius subscription depends on your payment method - credit card or a written quote. All annual subscriptions have a 2 month cancelation notice period. Credit card users can directly cancel their subscription in Mobius - read more about it here. Customers with a quote can submit their cancelation request directly to their Customer Success Manager, or to the Ecochain Finance Team.

Technical support & security

Does Mobius support two- or multi-factor authentication (2FA & MFA), as well as the use of an authenticator app?

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) provides an extra layer of security when logging into Mobius by requiring a secondary passcode upon logging in. It is possible to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA). Ecochain Mobius enables you to use your preferred authenticator app.

To set up 2FA follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the User profile.

  2. Enable the option to use two-factor authentication.

  3. After logging out, you will be asked to set up 2FA with your preferred authenticator app. Open your authenticator app on your phone and scan the QR code.

  4. After scanning the QR code, you will have created a new entry for Monius in your authenticator app. Use the code displayed and enter it.

  5. Save the recovery code in a secure place on your device, so you will always have a code to log in when you do not have your authenticator app with you.

  6. You have now set up 2FA for your Mobius account! Upon the next login, you will be asked to provide your one-time code. You can select the option to remember a device for 30 days

I forgot my log in details, how can I change my Mobius password?

If you forgot your Mobius password, or want to simply change it, make use of the following link to reset your password. An automated email will be sent to your email inbox containing a link to reset your password.

Alternatively, you can also reset your password directly from the Mobius log in page - see image below.

How do I make a backup or copy of everything in my Mobius workspace (i.e., products and objects)?

Backups can be made in Mobius by exporting your LCA structures into a CSV format. These CSV structures serve as a backup outside of Mobius, with the benefit that they can be re-imported into the same workspace or another workspace later. To do this, create a ‘meta-object/product’ which lists all objects in a flat list that you can store.

Alternatively, you can also create a separate ‘frozen’ workspace in your account where you store final versions of your LCA, thereby avoiding the risk of accidentally changing your LCA.

Book a free meeting directly from the Mobius Homepage if you need more support. In the meantime, we are working hard to offer other backup options within Mobius in the coming year!

Data input, management & libraries

What input data do you need and how to collect it?

We have various guides, and resources to help with this:

  • We have an Academy that offers an LCA beginners course, as well as onboarding trainings for both of our two software solutions - Mobius and Helix. By completing these courses, you will obtain a better understanding on what it takes to create an LCA, including what data you will need to collect.

  • We have lots of explainers in our Help Center. To get started, have a read through this article on how to obtain data for your LCA.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Do not hesitate to schedule a free onboarding call if you’re stuck using Mobius! Free calls can directly be scheduled from the Mobius Homepage, by clicking on ‘Book a free appointment’.

Does Ecochain have templates for Mobius?

Yes, Ecochain has templates for Mobius users. Take a look at our current product templates, which are available here. Additionally, you can find sample import files directly in Mobius. Simply go to the product, or object, overview page, and navigate to the Import button. Upon clicking on the Import button, you’ll find several template options available.

Is it possible to create your own database entries?

When modeling an LCA in Mobius, there are two ways in which you can add impact to your objects - either through adding representative datasets from an LCI database (e.g. Ecoinvent), or by making use of Custom Impact. The latter approach allows you to fill in manual entries for all, or selected environmental impact categories.

In other words, yes, there are approaches for creating your own database entries, which can reduce your reliance on Ecoinvent for your entire LCA model.

Does Mobius offer a ready library with objects when you start using the software?

Currently, when you start using Mobius, your personal workspace will be empty. Our Help Center offers templates to get started in some of the key industries we serve - Textile, Construction, Electronics, Food, and Packaging. We are constantly working on improving and expanding our availability of templates.

We also have a demo workspace available that can serve as a starting point for determining how to set up your own environment. It uses the example of a T-shirt and you can find it in your Workspace overview.

In case your company would like to receive custom assistance with creating your own object library - we can help with our in-house Environmental Specialists to speed up the onboarding process.

Usage, scenarios & applications

Can Mobius be used only for product LCAs or also for processes?

Our current focus for the development of Mobius is Product LCAs, specifically the ecodesign use case. Having said that, Mobius is an extremely flexible tool, when it comes to creating LCA models. While we organize pages in Mobius using the terms Products, Objects, Life cycles, you can certainly model a process in Mobius - provided you have the required data & knowledge on your process to model it accordingly.

Is Mobius intended only for internal purposes or can you use it for commercial use?

The Mobius customer base consists of a broad group - diverse industries and various professionals - that use Mobius to help them get their job done. While we at Ecochain are primarily focusing on the eco-design use case, the Mobius software can be used for:

  • Creating LCAs for verified reports. Verified LCAs in some industries are often required to participate in tenders. Additionally, verifying an LCA with a third (external) party will offer you an additional layer of guarantee that the LCA you’ve created is robust and accurate. It will enable you to make (marketing) claims in a better way. Ecochain offers Professional Services that can aid in this process.

  • Comparing your product to a benchmark, or an alternative (competitor) substitute. From experience, we know that these comparisons tend to be difficult because it is hard to obtain accurate data on the alternative product that you are trying to compare to. To make a fair comparison, it is necessary to ensure you have (i) data on both products to be compared, as well as (ii) data being of similar quality & based on the same calculation method.

My LCA model in Mobius shows zero impact. Why, and how can I solve it?

There are several reasons why your product’s LCA can show zero impact - unfortunately there is not one answer to this question. One of the reasons could be the following:

1. No impact added yet

You haven’t added any impact to your product’s inventory (yet) through adding datasets from Ecoinvent, or through Custom Impact. If you’ve currently modeled the ‘skeleton’ structure of your product, it naturally won’t have impact added to it instantly. You will notice this, when the object items in your inventory signal ‘Add impact or add (sub)item’.

2. Wrong, or no properties assigned

You have added impact to the objects in your inventory, but there is no property added to the object (yet). Every object containing impact from an LCI database in Mobius should have a property attributed to it. Properties are an essential part of Mobius, that helps you tell Mobius what the relationship is between (i) the unit of the object in your inventory, and (ii) the unit of measurement of the Ecoinvent dataset. Take a look at this article to read more about Properties and how they work in Mobius.

3. (In)compatable databases & methods

The LCI database (version) you are making use of isn’t compatible with the currently selected calculation method in your workspace settings. In case there’s a mismatch between the LCI database used, and the calculation method, the impact may display as being zero. This occasionally happens when your workspace settings are set to making use of Ecoinvent, but you (accidentally) included a dataset from the PEF database in your Product Inventory.

4. Wrong environmental impact category

You might be looking at a different impact category - not all datasets in Ecoinvent have an impact for all impact categories.

In the case that none of these explanations are the solution to your issue, reach out to us so we can help you personally.

What can I do by comparing different designs of products in Mobius?

By comparing several, alternative designs of the same product, Mobius users are able to gain valuable insights into the environmental impact of diverse materials that are being considered for their respective products. As such, Mobius aids in making sustainable business decisions. Additionally, Mobius has a great feature, which we call the Scenario feature. This feature allows you to easily make a copy of your product’s LCA, and make any desired changes to the copy. As such, you’re able to compare differences within a matter of minutes! Read more about the Scenario feature here.

Read more about sustainable product design in our guide.

Product Carbon Footprinting (PCF)

Which standard should I follow to make a PCF?

On a high level, all PCF-related standards are in line with ISO14040 and ISO14044 – the cornerstone of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA).

If, on the one hand, you’re currently only interested in your product’s carbon footprint (CO2-eq), then the standards prescribed by ISO14067 are applicable to make your PCF. At Ecochain we offer the latest IPCC standard to make carbon footprint calculations.

If, on the other hand, you’re interested in a broader set of environmental impact categories – beyond carbon – then consider making use of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), or the EN15804 method and modeling a product LCA. For LCA claims, ISO14021 is an important standard to keep in mind.

How will the Green Claims Directive (GCD) impact my PCF?

The GCD will restrict the ability to make self-declared (i.e. unverified) claims. Majority, if not all, claims will have to undergo some form of a third party verification procedure. The Directive however, will only be enforced from 2027 onwards. Start your PCF journey now, and make sure you are prepared for upcoming legislative changes!

What do I need to include in a PCF in order for it to be complete?

What to include for a complete PCF ultimately depends on the goal & scope of your model. There are several questions to consider, amongst others:

  • What is the purpose, or function of the product you are modeling?

  • Are you looking to model only the manufacturing of the product (cradle-to-gate), or are you considering a full life cycle (cradle-to-grave)?

For the production phase, most products will require data in 5 key categories:

  1. Purchased materials – consider this to be your Bill of Materials (BoM) – what does your product consist of?

  2. Transport – where are the purchased materials sourced from?

  3. Energy – what energy sources are used to process and transform the purchased materials to an end product?

  4. Waste – are there any losses that occur when producing your end product?

  5. Packaging – once your product is manufactured, which materials are used to package the product?

Read more about the fundamentals of any PCF here!

What do I need in order to communicate my PCF externally?

This depends on what specifically it is that you’d like to communicate. Regardless of the claim that you’re seeking to make, most of the time you’ll need a (third party) background report to substantiate your product’s impact. Such a report ensures transparency, makes it possible to reproduce the results, as well as highlights any assumptions or limitations of your study.

If you’re only looking to communicate the carbon footprint of your own product(s), having a report that is shareable, suffices for your use case. Your report doesn't need an external third-party verification. We have PCF reporting templates available for our customers - reach out to us if you'd like to know more. Additionally, we offer a full ISO14044 compliant LCA Background Report.  

If you’re looking to communicate a comparative claim, where you’re seeking to either make statements about how your product compares to an alternative, similar product, or benchmark, you will likely need an external third party to verify your claims. Get in touch with us so we can help you obtaining the deliverable you're looking for!

How do I go about making a report for my PCF?

At Ecochain you’re in luck! PCF reports follow a standard structure prescribed by ISO. We have made an easy-to-use template that contains all the tips and things you need to pay attention to when modeling, processing results and writing the final carbon footprint report.

Reporting & validity

Can Mobius create detailed reports inside the software?

Currently, Mobius has limited (automated) reporting capabilities. Mobius can create an automated 1-pager (PDF format), that summarizes a product’s footprint based on the selected impact category, and selected calculation method.

Other outputs from Mobius, such as the structure (.csv) and the total impact results (.xlsx) can serve as a starting point for creating your report, in line with the (LCA) framework applicable to you.

Ecochain furthermore has reporting templates available to help you document your LCA in case you’d like to proceed independently. Additionally, Ecochain has in-house Environmental Specialists who can help you with creating the needed report based on the LCAs modeled in Mobius. Reach out to [email protected] to receive further assistance.

Does Mobius support the creation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)?

Mobius is a product footprinting software that facilitates and simplifies the creation of Life Cycle Assessments. We have diverse calculation methods (PEF, EN15804+A2, NMD Bepalingsmethode, etc.) available to ensure your LCA complies with the standards applicable to you. The starting point for any EPD is the creation of a (verified) Life Cycle Assessment. In that sense, Mobius supports the first steps anyone needs to take to get to an EPD. Have a read through this complete guide on EPDs.

Currently, Mobius does not have reporting capabilities built into the software, or auto-generated templates for EPDs. The writing of complete reports, at the moment, is a manual task. We do, however, have report templates available to help in the process. Having said that, we have many customers who have created EPDs with the use of Mobius!

Reach out to [email protected] for more information, or any potential required assistance in your LCA, or EPD journey.

Is it possible to make a third party verification of an LCA made with Mobius?

Yes, many LCAs made with Mobius are verified by external, third-party verifiers. This is possible as long as you follow a certain LCA calculation method and standard, and create your LCA report according to the respective requirements. Mobius generates all the relevant LCA data and results you need to write a report for verification.

Pro tip: It can help to get in touch, and align, with an external third-party verifier before creating the full LCA, or report. It can save you a lot of time later on, in the review process!

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