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Explained: LCI databases
Explained: LCI databases

Learn about life cycle inventory (LCI) databases available in Helix and Mobius.

Emily Lalonde avatar
Written by Emily Lalonde
Updated today

Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases are essential tools in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for modeling the environmental impacts of products, processes, or services. These databases (e.g., ecoinvent, PEF, NMD, etc) contain datasets detailing the environmental inputs and outputs associated with a product’s life cycle. When primary, environmental data is unavailable or incomplete, LCI databases serve as a standardized source of secondary environmental data. Combined with Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods, these databases provide a comprehensive framework for calculating and understanding environmental impacts. This article covers the following questions:

  • What is an LCI database?

  • What are LCI datasets?

  • What is the connection between LCI datasets and LCIA methods?

  • What are common LCI databases available in Helix and Mobius?

Feel like you're missing information? This article builds upon the following articles, check them out if you want to learn more:

What is an LCI database?

An LCI database is a collection of datasets that provide detailed data on the environmental inputs and outputs (flows) associated with the life cycle of a product, process, or service. These datasets capture (background) environmental data such as resource consumption, emissions, and waste, and are used when primary data (data collected directly from a process or product) is unavailable.

Put differently, LCI databases allow you to model the environmental impacts of complex products or supply chains using standardized secondary, (background) environmental data via datasets when primary data is either not feasible to collect or is incomplete. They do this in combination with LCIA methods, read more about the connection between the two here.

What are LCI datasets?

An LCI database is made up of thousands of LCI datasets. Each dataset represents a single product, process, or service and includes data on the associated resource inputs (e.g., raw materials, energy) and outputs (e.g., emissions, waste). This data within LCI datasets can be thought of as (background) environmental data which is used in combination with (foreground) product data to attribute the environmental impact of a product. For example, when you purchase PET granulates, you know your product contains x amount of PET (aka (foreground) product data), but you don't know the environmental impact of the PET - datasets quantify this. The data included in a dataset is scaled to the functional unit of your model.

LCI datasets are important for calculating environmental impacts (in combination with LCIA methods) when primary environmental data is lacking. LCI datasets include the following components to derive the environmental impact of an item.

Elementary flows in datasets

  • Each LCI dataset is made of elementary flows, which are exchanges between the system (product or process) and the environment.

  • For example, emissions to air (e.g., CO₂) or resource extraction (e.g., crude oil) are elementary flows used to model the environmental impacts.

Economic flows in datasets

  • Some datasets also include economic flows. These are exchanges within the product system that have a market value (e.g., electricity or steel).

  • Economic flows are relevant when modeling systems where prices, trade-offs, and by-products play a role in environmental impact.

Geographical scope of datasets

  • The geographical location of a dataset determines where the processes are assumed to take place. Choosing a dataset with the appropriate geography ensures that the LCI data matches the context of the study.

  • For example, a steel production dataset from China may differ significantly from a similar process in Europe due to varying energy sources and production technologies.

What is the connection between LCI Databases and LCIA methods?

LCI databases and LCIA methods work together to translate raw, foreground product data into meaningful environmental impact results. LCI databases provide the input and output flows—such as resource use, emissions, and waste—associated with a product or process throughout its life cycle. However, this raw data alone doesn't show environmental impacts.

This is where LCIA methods come in. These methods interpret the flows from the LCI database, converting them into measurable environmental impact categories, such as global warming potential, water use, or toxicity. Combining the two elements—an LCI database (for data) and an LCIA method (for interpretation)—allows users to accurately assess the environmental performance of products or services. This relationship ensures that the detailed inventory data from the LCI database is meaningfully translated into actionable environmental insights.

Thus, LCI database + LCIA method = Impact results, giving LCA users a comprehensive view of the environmental impacts tied to their product or process (Figure 1).

Figure 1: LCI databases and LCIA methods working together to achieve impact results.

What are common LCI databases in Helix and Mobius and what do they represent?

  • Purpose and Target Group: A comprehensive database used for various industries, from agriculture and energy to construction and manufacturing.

  • Region: Global coverage, with a strong focus on Europe.

  • Source: Developed and maintained by the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories.

  • Number of Datasets: Over 18,000 datasets.

  • Compatibility & Latest Version: Compatible with several methods. Ecoinvent v3.9.1 is currently available in Mobius & Helix.

  • Unique Features:

    • Consistency and transparency in data reporting.

    • Covers a range of products and services, making it one of the most versatile LCI databases.

  • More Information: Visit the Ecoinvent website.

Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Database

  • Purpose and Target Group: Used to support Environmental Footprint (EF) studies based on the European Commission’s recommended PEF method. Suitable for organizations that want to comply with EU environmental performance standards.

  • Region: Europe.

  • Source: Developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

  • Compatibility & Latest version: Aligned with the Environmental Footprint (EF) v3.1 method. Available in Helix and Mobius.

  • Unique Features:

    • Contains secondary data specifically for PEF studies, including datasets co-developed with industry partners like Ecoinvent.

    • Free to access for studies within defined PEF category rules.

  • More Information: Visit the PEF Database.

Nationale Milieudatabase (NMD)

  • Purpose and Target Group: Designed specifically for the Dutch construction sector to enable transparent and consistent environmental assessments of building materials and construction works.

  • Region: Netherlands.

  • Source: Developed by the Dutch National Environmental Database Foundation.

  • Compatibility & latest versions: Uses Ecoinvent v3.6 as a background source. NMD v3.5 is available in Helix and Mobius.

  • Unique Features:

    • Supports the calculation of the Environmental Performance of Buildings (EPB) in compliance with Dutch regulations.

  • More Information: Visit the Nationale Milieudatabase.

Other databases available in Helix

In addition to the above, several specialized databases are available in Helix:

  • Plastics Europe: Covers data on the production of a variety of plastics, targeting the plastics industry.

  • Agri-footprint: Provides agricultural data for food products, used mainly in the food industry.

  • World Food Database: Focuses on food production, especially important for global supply chains.

  • World Steel: Offers data related to steel production, used by companies involved in manufacturing and construction.

  • CEPE Database: Specializes in data for paints, coatings, and inks.

  • ERASM: Contains data for the detergents and cleaning agents industry.

Next steps

LCI databases are integral to conducting a complete and reliable LCA, allowing you to supplement primary data with standardized secondary data when needed. By integrating these databases with LCIA methods, Mobius and Helix users can transform raw data into meaningful insights, facilitating a deeper understanding of a product's environmental impact.

This article was written in close collaboration with Joseba Aguirre:

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